Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hiatus Much?

Ok so I went on a complete unintentional hiatus! But I have a pretty decent explanation (we'll I can't really justify almost a month) but any who...I've been going crazy trying to plan a wedding in 6 months! Yup, me and my love muffin got engaged! I'm so excited and couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else. Needless to say I went from not wanting a ceremony, to having just a reception to a full on wedding with no bridal party, to a complete bridal party! Oy, so that's been my life and headache for the last few weeks, but my blog is my baby and I promise to nurture it a little more. Just expect to see more random wedding posts and etc. Thanks guys for sticking around, soo appreciated!


  1. Congrats on the wedding! I'll definitely be looking forward to your posts on that.
    Also saw your comment on chictopia and I can't wait to follow you! I hope you return the favor (: It would mean so much coming from you.

    xx Amber

    1. Thanks so much honey! I'm following you :)

  2. congratulations!
    new follower here would love it if you could follow back!

    Get Glam
    Get Glam
    Get Glam

    1. Thanks lovey! I'm following your blog too, you have some great posts. I look forward to your posts :)


  3. Really cool post! Great blog! Your posts keep me coming back for more - it's cos you're amazing!!! Have a great day and a brilliant week ahead! Looking forward to more posts from you!

    1. Omg you're too sweet! Seriously I keep saying I need to blog I need to blog, but honestly your comment really is pushing me too! If not tonight by tomorrow morning. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement! I have a slight obsession with London, lol.



Thanks for could be doing anything in the world but you're here with me and I appreciate it
*I just quoted Jay-Z BUT I do really mean it!!!*